Too many marketers focus on the visual elements of a Facebook Ad instead of the copy. And that’s a shame – because they are missing a huge market that prefers reading to visuals or videos. Learning how to write Facebook Ad copy that converts is essential – even if you are a beginner. 

The copy on a Facebook Ad (and any other online marketing material) is where you hook your audience. Remember, no one is looking for Ads. Ads come upon them. So it’s important to catch them, so they stop scrolling, read your words, and are convinced to take action. But we’ll get there in a hot minute.

The words on Facebook Ads should tell your audience why they want your product or service. Your copy should agitate your audiences’ pain points and provide them with benefits and solutions that your offer will produce for them. When used correctly, words can be a powerful tool for conversion.

So, how do you write great copy for Facebook Ads? I’ll tell you.

First, you need to figure out where your audience is before they encounter your product or service. What are their pain points or problems? Why do they need your product or service? How will your offer help them?

Once, you’ve asked yourself (or your clients) those questions and answered them thoroughly – it’s time to write your Facebook Ad copy.

You can do this by dividing your Ad copy into three parts: the intro, the transition, and the call-to-action.


The intro is the most important part of your Ad copy. Whether its one sentence or a few, these words are critical to your audience. Why? Because these words are about your audience. When writing the intro to your Facebook Ad, make sure you make it ALL about the reader. But don’t add fluff. It needs to be simple and straight to the point. Remember, you only have three visible lines available (unless that click to read more).

Some creative ways to catch your audiences’ attention is to call them out so they know exactly who you are talking to in the ad (which should be them). And then intrigue them by piquing their interest. Agitate their pain points, ask them a question, or give them a logical statement that will keep them interested. Sometimes, testimonials can work perfectly here – but not always, so be careful.


When you start writing the transition, use this space to write about the product, service, or course you are trying to sell. Don’t force the sale here. The transition is exactly that, a transition into what product or service you are offering. Not the sale. Use this space to really poke the pain points of the reader. 

Describe the product or service by using words that will convince or lead your audience into the sale. Focus on how your product or service will help them. Highlight the benefits they will get when they have your product or service. Will they feel better? Will they get more done? Do they save money? What will this product or service do for them? What state will your audience be in after they receive your offer?

Call To Action

In your Facebook Ad, you likely will have two Call-to-actions or CTAs. One is the actual button that links to your product, service, or video. The second CTA is in your ad copy. Always include a CTA in your copy for the audience who prefers reading (trust me, those people are still out there!). Your CTA section shouldn’t be more than three sentences. You want this section to be short, sweet, and to the point.

If you want to add or highlight more benefits in this section, do it. Discount codes, video links, testimonials, and free resources all go well here, too. Remember, it’s important to back up your words with testimonials. As with most copy – you need that social proof.

Just don’t forget to tell your readers exactly what they need to next! Their action (or reaction) to your Facebook Ad is the main point, right?

Note: a recent Facebook update now only allows three lines of copy to be visible on Facebook Ads when viewed from a mobile device, so it’s important to use a small number of words to convert scrollers into clickers. But don’t worry, Facebook Ads a have prompt that allows readers to keep reading your copy.